
Human Rights UniverCITY 2017

Day 10 – Last Day


Day 9:

Katrina Leclerc from Global Network for Peacebuilders introducing the class to Congolese women participating in the Girl Ambassadors for Peace program via Skype.


Spark presentations:



Philippe Jacques illustrating how our movements can mimic the ways in which human rights function in the world.


Diane Redsky from Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre speaking to the class at Ma Mawi, in regards to the work they do to keep families together and to deter the sexual exploitation of young Indigenous peoples in Winnipeg.


Alana Lajoie-O’Malley giving a lecture on climate change and human rights.



Nadia Kidwai delivering a lecture regarding religious intolerance, diversity & women’s rights.

Day 8:

Group presentations:



Emily Ternette giving a lecture on disability rights and her experiences as an activist.


Guest lecturer Lloyd Kornelsen engaging students in an animated dialogue about global citizenship.


Day 7:

Class spending the morning with Donald Benham at Winnipeg Harvest.




Laura Normand from Canadian Foodgrains Bank speaking to the class regarding global food insecurities and refugees.

Day 6:

Canadian Museum for Human Rights

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Elder Albert McLeod doing a pipe ceremony in Buhler Hall at the CMHR.



Professor McPhedran speaking to Rotary’s Adventures in Human Rights high school students about the importance of being able to live your human rights.


Desiree asking Rotarian Fellow Eduardo da Costa about the Global Peace Index.



Darcy Ataman giving advice to James, RainShyne and Keshia about their video essay.



Melanie presenting her group’s video essay vision.



Day 5:

Prof. McPhedran delivering a lecture regarding the United Nations human rights monitory systems such as the Universal Periodic Review. Following the lecture, students engaged in a simulation of the UPR procession.

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Day 4:

Canadian Museum for Human Rights:


Baily, Gabby, Naa, Nav and Stef doing a group ‘Spark’ presentation about sexual violence.



Shamin Brown spoke about her experiences on sex trafficking and prostitution.

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Shamin Brown speaking about the idea of choice and its complexity as it pertains to sex trafficking and prostitution.


Senator Marilou McPhedran introducing Art Miki.


Art Miki discussing Japanese Internment camps during WW2 and how he and his community fought to have the Japanese-Canadian experience acknowledged by the Canadian government.

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Armando Perla speaking to the students about refugee rights in Canada and his experience as an asylum seeker in Canada.



Clint Curle closing the day off with an in depth discussion on genocide and mass atrocities.



Day 3:

Students visiting Ka Ni Kanichihk, where founder Leslie Spillet and her daughter Tasha discussed how Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Canada.

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Day 2:

Guest lecturer Kristi Kenyon discussing how research and human rights activism can inform one another.


Guest lecturer Lise Pinkos welcoming students to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.



Guest lecturer and CMHR curator Karine Duhamel discussing Indigenous rights and representation at the CMHR,


Folklarama 2017

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